Carleton Rode CEVA Primary School


Introducing Our Vibrant Classes at Carleton Rode Primary School

At Carleton Rode Primary School, we take pride in offering a nurturing and engaging learning environment for our pupils across all year groups. Our dedicated teachers and staff work tirelessly to ensure that each child receives the support and resources they need to thrive academically and personally.

Let us take you on a journey through the heart of our school – our vibrant classes:

Tiger Class: Where New Beginnings Blossom

Tiger Class is where the magic of new beginnings unfolds. Here, we warmly welcome our new reception children into our school family. It's a place where the gentle guidance of our Year 1's and Year 2's helps our newcomers settle in and embrace the Carleton Rode way. Under the leadership of the compassionate Miss Wratten, our little Tigers embark on an exciting journey of discovery and learning. Recently, our Tiger Class has been enriched with new continuous provision resources and furniture, enhancing the educational experience we offer our children.

Lion Class: Roaring with Learning Opportunities

Lion Class is the hub of excitement for our Year 3 and Year 4 pupils. Led by the dynamic Mrs Bolderston, this class offers a plethora of learning opportunities. From invigorating swimming sessions to joint trips with our federated school, our Lions thrive in a stimulating and supportive environment. Here, each child is encouraged to explore their potential and develop essential skills that will serve them well in their academic journey and beyond.

Jaguar Class: Unleashing Potential Through Exploration

Jaguar Class is where our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils spread their wings and soar. Guided by the inspiring Miss Sparkes, this class is a hub of creativity and exploration. In Jaguar Class, learning goes beyond the confines of the classroom as children immerse themselves in captivating Forest School sessions and indulge in Miss Sparkes' contagious love for reading. Here, every child is empowered to discover their strengths, embrace challenges, and unleash their full potential.



At Carleton Rode Primary School, we believe that every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to shine. Through our diverse and enriching classes, we strive to ignite a lifelong love for learning and equip our students with the skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world. Join us on this exciting journey of discovery and growth – where every day is an adventure!
Come be a part of our vibrant community at Carleton Rode Primary School – where learning knows no boundaries.