Carleton Rode CEVA Primary School

Friends of Carleton Rode

The Friends of Carleton Rode School is compiled of a number of parents /carers whose children attend the school, along with support from school staff. The object of the Friends is to enhance the educational experience of children in the school by developing effective relationships between staff, parents / carers and others associated with the school and engaging in activities or providing facilities or equipment which support the school. Monies raised directly benefit the children by going towards items such as the seated planters, willow wigwams and new climbing fort. In addition funds have been allocated to whole school trips in order to reduce the cost to parents / carers.

Friends run a number of fundraisers throughout the year including Christmas and Summer Fayres. We are always looking for extra helpers. If anyone is interested in joining the Friends please feel free to speak to anyone on the committee. We are normally around at the beginning and end of each school day. If you are not sure who we are, just ask and someone will point you in the right direction!

Our committee is friendly and informal and the time commitment is not too great – many hands make light work ! We are always looking for new ideas of how to raise funds for the school and different ways of enhancing the school community. Even if you are not able to attend many meetings, but are able to help out at events or have a particular skill or ability we could use, we would like to hear from you !

The Friends would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have supported our events.